Sunday, February 6, 2011

Old Dog Tricks

Good 'ole Webster's Dictionary defines the following words

accomplished, adj. 1. complete 2. highly skilled,
accomplish, verb, to succeed in doing
accomplishment, noun

I seem to spend a significant amount of time musing over this word in it's various forms. I have accomplished, or I am accomplished in, I will accomplish, my accomplishments are....To me this is more than things that I have done--I have done a lot. However this word seems to convey the idea of something that I have set out to do, made and plan and did it. As a person that tends to fill her life with many things, I was stretched to find things that fulfills my definition of having accomplished things.

For a few years now I have teased that I am in my mid-life crisis; I am only half-way to the end of my life. And this could be true...if I live to be 104 years old! As I get older I find myself evaluating more and more where I am and where I want to go from here. So I would like to share with you some of my successes, things that I have completed in the first "half" of my life. I am very proud of each and every one:

1. I have been driving since I was very young and have never received a moving violation. I am not sure if I should be proud of never getting caught, but still this is a marvel.

2. My parents wanted me to play the piano and after several years of lessons, I can. I am not sure if this is their accomplishment or mine...

3. I earned my bachelor's degree from BYU before my children got theirs.

4. I got married (and have stayed married) to the love of my life, in the place of my dreams, and birthed all of my babies while still in my twenties (just barely).

5. I have kept a "baby" book for each of my children that spans their entire life from birth to high school graduation so they can see their growth through the years and feel their mama's love for them.
6. I completed the STP despite rain and cold and exhaustion because I love my Timothy.

7. After 5 years of effort and a lot of help, I completed a record of my parent's life history.

8. I helped my children survive their childhood to emerge as complete human beings, full of potential and primed for opportunity, with a minimum of hang-ups and brimming with compassion and respect for others. (once again this might be their accomplishment instead of mine)

9. I have my very own testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

10. I can still touch my toes and walk several miles in my own shoes.

Still on my bucket list:

1. Learn to speak spanish (working on that one now)
2. Learn to play the guitar
3. See a pyramid
4. Serve a mission with my sweetie
5. Do at least one more crazy thing that old people don't usually do...

Birthdays are an accomplishment all their own. Today I completed my 52nd year. I still have lots of years ahead of me, hopefully, I can add to my list of accomplishments as the years go by.

Happy Birthday to me! This old dog still has a few things to learn! Thank you to everyone for your phone calls and love.



  1. Happy Birthday, Mom!! I'm glad you had a good day and I like the idea of reviewing your "list" of accomplishments as well as creating a bucket list. I could add several thousand other things to your list of accomplishments, but I don't want to embarrass you on this public forum. So, I'm making a list here and I'll give it to you the next time I see you.


    We love you, Mucho!

  2. Yeah for mom! Way to be old! =D Love you lots. Like Heather there are so many more accomplishments you could add to the list, but like us Bullock woman, we are modest when it comes to being confident. So glad you had a great, lazy (sick) birthday. Love you lots!

    Thanks for being the bestest mom out there!

  3. wow Peggy you have accomplished alot..Happy birthday to a very dear friend...Love the picture of you.;) have a great week..;)
